McElroy Logo

All Sandale locations across North America are licensed McElroy distributors capable of renting, selling, and repairing any McElroy fusion equipment and accessories. Each Sandale location carries a fleet of fusion equipment to butt fuse pipe from 1”-36”, with some Sandale locations capable of fusing even larger pipe.

Browse our catalogue of McElroy Fusion equipment and Microduct in Calgary& Brantford and to select the fusion machine best suited for your project.

McELROY Equipments


Electrofusion is an internal thermal fusion for HDPE pipe and fittings. Heat is created as an electric current is applied to the conductive material in the fitting. HDPE pipe to pipe connections made using the electrofusion process requires the use of electrofusion couplings and electrofusion processor. Sandale Utility Products rents and sells, and calibrates a wide range of electrofusion processors to perform electrofusion installations for ¾” – 63” HDPE (larger sizes available by special request).

Electtofusion Equipment


Sandale Utility Products rents and sells Demtech extrusion welding equipment and accessories. Extrusion welding is another form of thermal fusion for HDPE pipe and fittings for non-pressure drainage fabrication. Our Demtech equipment is most often used for HDPE liner installations, custom fitting fabrication, and pipeline installations.

Detech Equipment

Squeeze Off Tools

Squeeze off tools are used to control and/or stop flow in HDPE pipe temporarily. HDPE pipe’s thermoplastic properties allow an HDPE pipeline to be completely shut off to make repairs and tie ins without the need of valves or shutting off flow at the source. Once work is complete the sqeeze off tool can be disengaged and the HDPE pipe will return to its original shape unharmed. Sandale Utility Products rents and sells a wide range of manual and hydraulic squeeze off tools from 1” – 24” HDPE pipe.

Sandale also rents and sells specialty HDPE fusion accessories and equipment. Below is our complete list of specialty rental equipment.

  • Electrofusion Rotary Scrapping
  • Internal Bead Removal
  • Sidewall Fusion Equipment
  • Generators
  • Fusion Productivity Equipment
  • Fusion Shelters
  • Destructive Testing Equipment
  • Re-rounding Clamps
  • HDPE Pipe Alignment
Squeeze Off Tools


Sandale Utility Products has an array of used fusion equipment that is maintained by our in-house master mechanics. Each piece is fully serviced and thoroughly inspected on every rental return. If you are interested in purchasing any of our used equipment, click the link below to check out our current offerings.

Used Equipments

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